"" PHOTO TOOLS: Earthbound Light - Nature photography from the Pacific Northwest and beyond


Monday, 29 July 2013

Earthbound Light - Nature photography from the Pacific Northwest and beyond

Nature Photography from the Pacific Northwest and beyond by Bob Johnson

Welcome to Earthbound Light, where you will find some of the results of my passion for nature photography. I hope you enjoy what you find, but please be considerate of the work it took to do all this. The entire site contents including all images and articles are copyrighted. I would ask that you honor this and not copy them. If you are interested in publishing any of my images or articles or using them in other ways, please contact me so we can discuss your needs.


Earthbound Light Comes to Facebook and Twitter!

After listening to friends incessantly extoll the wonders of Facebook, I finally joined and also set up a page for Earthbound Light. I'm still figuring out how best to make use of Facebook, but I've already connected with friends I haven't talked to in years. If you're a Facebook member, drop by the Earthbound Light page and become a Fan.

The NetworkedBlogs application on Facebook also gives readers one more way to follow my weekly PhotoTip articles. Read them on the Facebook Earthbound Light page or add them to your own Wall.

And now, you can follow me on Twitter as well, to get access to my occasional thoughts and observations that fit well in 140 characters or less.


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